Write a program that simulates a simple calculator

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13764911


1.1 Explain the difference between using a computer program and programming a computer.

1.2 How do you discover syntax errors? How do you discover logic errors?

1.3 What is the difference between object and object reference?

1.4 Explain the difference between an object and a class.

1.5 What is the difference between equality and assignment?

1.6 What is the difference between a reserved word and an identifier?

1.7 What is the implicit parameter? Explain with example.

1.8 Write a java statement to convert a string str to a double.

Question 2

2.1 Which of the following are legal identifiers? why?






Hello, World


2.2 Construct a logical expression to represent each of the following conditions:

a. x is between 3 and 15 but not equal to 10.

b. x is between 10 and 20 but not odd.

c. y is divisible by 5 but not by 40.

d. str is a lowercase or uppercase letter.

2.3 What is the difference between the following two statements?

a. if (n > 2) { if (n < 6) System.out.println("Done!"); }

else System.out.println("Error");

b. if (n > 2) { if (n < 6) System.out.println("Done!");

else System.out.println("Error"); }

2.4 What is the difference between the result of the following two statements?

a. int cents = (int)(100 * price + 0.5);

b. int cents = (100 * price + 0.5);

Question 3

3.1 Write an Algorithm to decide which is cheaper car or bus for a travel:

You want to decide whether you should drive your car to work or take the bus. You know the one-way distance from your home to your place of work, and the fuel efficiency of your car (in miles per gallon). You also know the one-way price of a train ticket. You assume the cost of gas at $4 per gallon, and car maintenance at 5 cents per mile. Write an algorithm to decide which commute is cheaper.

omplete the following program so that it to c only Use string concatenation3.2 prints the message "the quick white tiger jumps over the small dog". public class ConcatDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { String animal1 = "quick white tiger"; String animal2 = "small dog";

String article = "the"; String action = "jumps over"; /* Your work goes here */

System.out.println(message); } }

3.3 Find the output of the following code when the user enters 100 and when the user enters AQ:

public static void main(String[] args)


Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.print("Enter somthing: ");

String str = in.next();

int count = Integer.parseInt(str);

System.out.println("Input is " + count);


Question 4

4.1 Write a program that simulates a simple calculator. It reads two integers and a character. If the character is a +, the sum is printed; if it is a -, the difference is printed; if it is a *, the product is printed; if it is a /, the quotient is printed; and if it is a %, the remainder is printed.

4.2 In the 2- dimensional plane, a point is described by its two coordinates x and y. It supports these operations :

A constructor allowing initialization of both coordinates

Accessors and mutators to its coordinates

Translation of a point

a. Write a java class, called MyPoint, that corresponds to such an abstraction of points in the dimensional plane.

b. Provide a tester class that creates one point, then translates and displays its new coordinates.

Reference no: EM13764911

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