Write a program that reads from keyboard a sequence

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131323849


In this assignment, you are required to specify and implement a Java

The language is Java. In this assignment, you are required to specify and implement a Java class named IntSortedList. The instances of IntSortedList are sorted lists of integers. Each class in the program need a class invariant. There should be no limit on the length of the list. The operations on sorted lists of integers supported by IntSortedList are

• A default constructor that creates an empty list of integers.

• An operation named empty that determines if the sorted list is empty. The operation takes no argument and returns a Boolean value.

An operation named length that returns the number of items on the sorted list. The operation takes no argument and returns a positive integer.

• An operation named insert that inserts an integer to the sorted list while maintaining its sorted-ness. The operation takes the integer to insert as its only argument. It should always succeed.

• An operation named delete that deletes an integer from the sorted list. The operation takes the integer to delete as its only argument. It returns true if the integer was in the sorted list. Otherwise, it returns false. Only one

occurrence of the target is deleted by this operation.

• An operation named show that displays the integers in the sorted list on screen. Every row except the last one contains 8 integers separated by spaces.

The last row may contain less than 8 integers.

You are required to provide an array-based implementation of IntSortedList and write a program that makes use of IntSortedList. Follow the following steps.

1. Refine the above specification of IntSortedList by writing function prototypes for its operations and their pre/post conditions.

2. Write a class definition for IntSortedList. The only public methods in the class definition are those operations. The private members are instance variables that represent a sorted list of integers. Write an invariant on these instance variables as comments. You can have private methods that are auxiliary to public ones.

3. Write a program that reads from keyboard a sequence of positive integers that is ended with a negative integer. The positive integers are inserted into a sort list of integers when they are read. When the program finishes reading, it displays the following information on screen: (a) the number of positive integers that have been read; (b) the positive integers.

Reference no: EM131323849

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