Write a program that reads from a file a list of course name

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13160965

Write a program that reads from a file a list of course names, letter grades for each course and number of credits each course is worth. The program will read each course name, grade earned and number of credits from the file and print out the course name, grade earned and number of credits for each course to the screen. After the program has read in all of the courses, grades earned and credits, the program should calculate the grade point average based on all of the courses read in by the program.

Students who receive an "F" grade earn zero credits for the course but the
grade is still used as part of the GPA calculation
When displaying the GPA, only display up to two decimal points

sample File:

Jane Doe
Chemistry A 4.0
Calculus B 4.0
History C 3.0
Gym A 1.0
English A 3.0



Reference no: EM13160965

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