Write a program that reads customers information

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13871931

Write a program that reads customers' information from a file, and creates a movie theatre seating with a number of rows and columns specified by a user. Then it will attempt to assign each customer to a seat in a movie theatre.
You will be creating a class called MovieSeating. This class should be defined in a file named MovieSeating.java. The class MovieSeating will contain a 2 dimensional array called seating of Customer objects as its in-stance variable. We will be using the following files. These files are complete. Download the following files (available on Blackboard) and use them for this assignment (do not change the content of the following files)




The last file is an input file (text file) that will be read from the Assignment7 class. Save all of the files in the same folder.

Attachment:- assignment7.pdf

Reference no: EM13871931

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