Write a program that prompts a user to enter student emplid

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131824377


Before attempting this project, be sure you have completed all of the reading assignments, hands-on labs, discussions, and assignments to date.

Write a Java program that prompts a user to enter student EMPLID (e.g., 12389), quiz 1 percentage score (e.g., 89.5), quiz 2 percentage score (e.g., 81.2), quiz 3 percentage score (e.g., 92.5), your age in months (e.g. 384) and the current temperature in degrees Celsius and then displays the data entered along with some conversions and calculations.

A minimum of 3 test cases should be supplied in the form of table with columns indicating the input values, expected output, actual output and if the test case passed or failed. This table should contain 4 columns with appropriate labels and a row for each test case. An example template is shown below. Note that the actual output should be the actual results you receive when running your program and applying the input for the test record.

The google recommended Java style guide, provided as link in the week 2 content, should be used to format and document your code. Specifically, the following style guide attributes should be addressed:

• Header comments include filename, author, date and brief purpose of the program.
• In-line comments used to describe major functionality of the code.
• Meaningful variable names and prompts applied.
• Class names are written in UpperCamelCase.
• Variable names are written in lowerCamelCase.
• Constant names are in written in All Capitals.
• Braces use K&R style.

You should capture and label screen captures associated with compiling your code, and running each of your 3 test cases.

You should use the command prompt and not a GUI for data entry and display. Here is a sample run:

Enter your Student EMPLID (0 - 999999): 43023
Enter your quiz1 percentage score (0.0 - 100.0): 80.6
Enter your quiz2 percentage score (0.0 - 100.0): 82.6
Enter your quiz2 percentage score (0.0 - 100.0): 92.1
Enter your age in months (0-1440): 384
Enter the current Temperature in degrees Celsius: 19.0

*** Thank you ***

Student EMPLID: 43023 Quiz 1 Score: 80.6
Quiz 2 Score: 82.6
Quiz 3 Score: 92.1
Average quiz score: 80.0 Age in months: 384
Age in years: 32

Temperature in Celsius: 19.0° Temperature in Fahrenheit: 66.2°

Note the following for the output for this application:

1. Degrees Celsius has been converted to degrees Fahrenheit on the output.
2. The temperature output provides the degrees symbol (°). (Hint: Use Unicode characters)
3. The average quiz score is calculated from the three quiz scores input.

Reference no: EM131824377

Questions Cloud

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Write a program that prompts a user to enter student emplid : Write a Java program that prompts a user to enter student EMPLID (e.g., 12389), quiz 1 percentage score (e.g., 89.5), quiz 2 percentage score (e.g., 81.2).
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