Write a program that presents an animated graphical model

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13865237

Program (graphics)

Write a program that presents an animated graphical model of an elevator, that has at least four floors, with doors that open and close, and some indication that shows the car moving. It must be interactive, responding to mouse clicks that call it to a particular floor.

If a program does all of that, it will be awarded full marks (5 marks). A bonus mark will be awarded for "coolness", which is undefinable, but will probably be achieved with smoothness of animation, sounds, and/or images.

1922_Bar Chart Comparing MTBFs for Different Models of Elevator.png

Figure 1: Bar chart comparing MTBFs for different models of elevator.

Special submission instructions:

1. The submission system only allows uploading of the MaSH source code. If your program uses image or sound files, submit them by email to [email protected] with "ITP project exercise 6 media files" as the subject of the email.

2. Write a comment at the top of the program that descibes what the program shows and how to use it, including how to install any extra media files. For example:

** file: GraphicElevator.mash
** created: 08/10/12
** purpose: This program simulates an elevator. To use it...
** requires: sound1.wav and sound2.wav in the same folder as the
** program.

Reference no: EM13865237

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