Write a program that models an employee

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131591981

Help with this OOP assignment please? I am having trouble, especially with my main method, while this is due in 2 days. Answers left in their original program files are fine. Thank you so much in advance!

Write a program that models an employee. An employee has an employee number, a name, an address, and a hire date. A name consists of a first name and a last name. An address consists of a street, a city, a state (2 characters), and a 5-digit zip code. A date consists of an integer month, day and year. Use an Employee class, a Name class, an Address class, and a Date class in your solution. You may use the Date class from the lectures or define your own. Provide appropriate class constructors, getter methods, setter methods, and any other methods you think are necessary.Your program should prompt the user to enter data for several employees, store the data in an array of type Employee, and then display the data.Be sure to comment your code and use good programming style.

Reference no: EM131591981

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