Write a program that is passed a virtual address

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131119320

Lab Instruction

Assume that a system has a 32-bit virtual address with a 4-KB page size (12bits).

Write a program that is passed a virtual address (in decimal) via the attached txt file and have it output the page number and offset for the given address in the command line. The program should mask page number and offset from an unsigned 32-bit address.
A memory reference appears as:


31         12 11     0

As an example, your program would run as follows:

./mm input.txt

Number of Translated Addresses: 456

Address     PageNumber    Offset
 16916            4                532
  62493          15               1053


Submission Instruction:

1. Test your code.

2. Take a screenshot of the first and last page of your output and save them in a PDF file as YourCSUNID_YourLastName.pdf.

3. Upload your source code.

Attachment:- Input_File.txt

Reference no: EM131119320

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