Write a program that has a conversation with the user

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131878813

Assignment - Write a program that has a conversation with the user. The program must ask for both strings and numbers as input. The program must ask for at least 4 different inputs from the user. The program must reuse at least 3 inputs in what it displays on the screen. The program must perform some form of arithmetic operation on the numbers the user inputs.  Please turn in your .py file as well as a screenshot of your program's output.

Please include comments in your code to explain how it works

An example program run might look like (have fun with this and be creative):

'What is your name?'


'Thanks, Josh.  What is your favorite color?'


'Mine too.  Do you also like Ice Cream?'


'Josh, how old are you?'


'... and how many siblings do you have?''


'That means you are one of 4 kid(s). Is green the favorite color of anyone else in your house?'

Reference no: EM131878813

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