Write a program that gets ints from a file

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Reference no: EM132095882

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You are to write a program that gets ints from a file. These are numerators and denominators, and you are to create Fractions. The input file will contain 20 ints, 2 ints per line, the numerator and denominator of one Fraction. Put these Fractions into an array. Output the array.

For example, if I make the following statement in main Fraction f=new Fraction (20, 25); the constructor should call gcd(20, 25), which returns

The constructor then makes the numerator 4 (=20/5) and the denominator 5 (=25/5). Yes, this is integer division, but we don't worry about it because the greatest common divisor by definition divides both integers with no remainder.

Reference no: EM132095882

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