Write a program that generates sales-report files

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Reference no: EM132210161

Question :

Write a program that generates sales-report files for a set of traveling salespeople. The salespeople call in their sales to a fulfillment desk, where the sales are all entered into a file.

Each sale is recorded as one line on the file sales.dat as a salesperson last name (use enumeration type and make up the names), an item number, and a quantity, with all three items separated by blanks. There are 10 salespeople.

The company sells eight different products, with IDs numbered 7 through 14 (some older products have been discontinued). The unit prices of the products are given here:

Product Number    Unit Price

7                         345.00

8                         853.00

9                         471.00

10                        933.00

11                        721.00

12                        663.00

13                        507.00

14                        507.00

The program reads in the sales file, and generates a separate file for each salesperson containing just his or her sales. Each line from the sales file is copied to the appropriate salesperson's file, with the salesperson's name omitted.

The file names should be the name of the salesperson with .dat appended (you may have to adjust names that don't work as file names on your computer, such as hyphenated names or names with apostrophes).

The total for the sale (quantity times unit price) is then appended to the record. At the end of processing, the total sales for each salesperson should be output with informative labels to cout. Use functional decomposition to design the program. Make sure that the program handles invalid salesperson's names.

If a salesperson's name is invalid, write out an error message to cout. If a product number is invalid, write the error message to the salesperson's file and don't compute a total for the sale.

Reference no: EM132210161

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