Reference no: EM132081412
We need to write a program in C++ that does the following tasks for a Video Store:
- Rent a video (check out)
- return video (check in)
- create a list of videos owned by store
- print a list of all videos in store
- check video availibility
- maintain a customer database
Video store has two main components: Videos and Customers. The class videoType will be used to implement a video. Other things associated are :
- Title, name of stars, director, production company, and number of copies in the store
The class customerType will print the name and account number
The Video store maintains a .txt list of all customers and a .txt list of all videos in the store
use createVideoList function in main program to read data from an input file and make a linked list of videos. The function will: read data and store it, insert it into a list
use createCustomerList to read customer data from input file and make a list of customers
use function Display menu to inform the user on what to do. it should have the following output statements:
Select on of the following:
1: check if a store is carrying a particular video
2: check out a video
3: check in a video
4: check if a video is in stock
5: print only titles of all videos
6: print a list of all videos
9: To exit