Write a program that declares a string in the data section

Assignment Help Assembly Language
Reference no: EM131669849

Computer Architecture Assignment

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1. Write a simple Assembly Language program that declares a string in the data section:

string:.asciiz "ABCDEFG"

Write a program that converts the string to all lower-case characters. Do this by adding 0x20 to each character in the string. (See Appendix F to figure out why this works.)

Assume that the data consists only of upper-case alphabetical characters, with no spaces or punctuation.

2. Fahrenheit/Celsius Converter

Write a program that repeatedly asks the user for a scale F or a C (for "Fahrenheit" or "Celsius") on one line followed by an integer temperature on the next line. It then converts the given temperature to the other scale. Use the formulas:

F = (9/5)C + 32

C = (5/9)(F - 32)

Exit the loop when the user types "Q". Assume that all input is correct. For example:

Enter Scale : F
Enter Temperature: 32
Celsius Temperature: 0C

Enter Scale : C
Enter Temperature: 100
Fahrenheit Temperature: 212F

Enter Scale : Q
3. Integer Division
a. Show how the MIPS processor would solve the problem
i. 7/3

4. Show the Floating point representation of 0.5

a. Exponent =
b. Fraction =
c. Sign bit =.

Reference no: EM131669849

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