Write a program that converts yards to the number of feet

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131390632

Lab 1: Fix My Program

We are asked to write a program to solve the following problem:

Suppose you have 5 1/2 gallons of milk and want to store them in milk jars that can hold up to 0.75 gallons each. You want to know ahead of time how many (the number of) completely filled jars you will have.

Lab 2: Clean Up My Code

We are now asked to:

Write a program that converts yards to the number of feet, as well as the number of inches (e.g., there are 10.5 feet in 3.5 yards, and there are 126.0 inches in 3.5 yards).

Attachment:- Lab.rar

Reference no: EM131390632

Questions Cloud

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