Write a program that asks for the amount of the bill

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM13811132

1. Determine the output displayed in the list box by the lines of code.
Dim tax As Double
tax = 200
tax = 25 + tax

2. Find the value of the given function where a and b are numeric variables of type Double, a = 5 and b = 3.

3. Determine the output displayed in the list box by the lines of code.
Dim m As Integer = 4
Dim n As Integer = 3
Dim s As String = "Microsoft"
Dim t As String = "soft"
lstOutput.Items.Add(s.Substring(m, n - 1))

4. Identify any errors.
Dim hiyo As String
hiyo = "Silver"
txtBox = "Hi-Yo " & hiYo

5. Determine the output produced by the lines of code.
Const SALES_TAX_RATE As Double = 0.06
Dim price as Double = 100
Dim cost = (1 + SALES_TAX_RATE) * price
txtOutput.Text = FormatCurrency(cost)

6. Identify any errors.
txtOutput.Text = FormatCurrency($1234)

7. Write a program that asks for the amount of the bill and percentage tip and calculates the tip. The program should use variables for each of the quantities and display the outcome in a text box with a label. Test the program on a bill of $20 and a 15% tip.

Reference no: EM13811132

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