Reference no: EM13161489
Write a program that accepts as input, without prompts, a series of short values, terminated by end of file. The program outputs one line:
|val| pairs (without pipes)
Where |val| is the number of pairs of adjacent 1-bits in the sequence of bits formed by the collective shorts. This includes pairs where one bit is the rightmost in one short and the next is the leftmost in the following short.
Don't worry about error checking of the input. Assume it comprises zero or more integer values. Here's an example:
Test 1:
85 -2 -1
30 pairs
Those three shorts, in bit form, are as shown below, and there are 30 pairs of adjacent 1-bits in that bit sequence. Note that the last bit of one short may pair with the first bit of the next short.
0000000001010101 1111111111111110 1111111111111111
Some hints:
1. Plan carefully. There are many ways to do this; some are simpler than others. You should consider a couple of different ways before you dive in, or you may find yourself in a mess halfway through.
2. Remember that scanf returns EOF if it hits the end of file, and that signed integers do sign-extension if you rightshift.
3. Endian issues are not important since we're not writing binary data to file
For the files below, please obey the following rules: For file BitPairs.c: For entry space 1: a full programThe code must have complexity no higher than 122 per the standard complexity rules. Meeting this bar will get you 50% credit.You can get up to 100% total credit if you reduce the complexity further to 61.
Enter code for BitPairs.c
#include <stdio.h> #define BITS_PER_SHORT 16
Test Cases:
Test 1
Input Output
85 -2 -1
30 pairs
Results Summary: Not run yet
Test 2
Input Output
0 pairs
Results Summary: Not run yet
Test 3
Input Output
-20 42 20
11 pairs