Write a program of the dating game

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131176132

Programming Assignment #3

The Dating Game

Table of Contents for each section of this submission (i.e. Source Code listing, screen captures and UML design) here….Also, may include Javadoc source here.

Source code listing here….

import java.io.*;


* Year3000 program

 * Driver program for the DateInterface and MyDate class.

 * @authorStudent Name

* @date24 June 2013

* @version 1.0

publicclass Year3000 {

publicstaticvoid main(String[] args) throwsIOException {

logic here…


* userMenu method


* This method displays the user menu to the console.


* @authorStudent Name

* @date24 June 2013

* @version 1.0

publicstaticvoiduserMenu() {

logic here…




Interface for Date objects to be used by the Year3000 driver program.




/** @return the day of the month (1-31) */


/** @return the day of the week (0-6) */


/** @return the month of the year (1-12) */


/** @return the year (four digits) */


/** sets the date

@param m the month of the year (1-12)

@param d the day of the month (1-31)

@param y the year (four digits)

@paramdow the day of the week (0-6) */

publicvoid set(int m, int d, int y, intdow);

/** moves the date forward by exactly one day

@return */

publicvoid tomorrow();

/** @return the date as a String in the format "Monday March 18, 2002" */

public String toString();

/** Moves the date backward by exactly one day. */

publicvoid yesterday();

/** sets the date to today;

make this empty {} unless you do the extra credit. */

publicvoid today();




 * MyDate Class


 * Description here….


 * Preconditions:

 * Postconditions:


 * @authorStudent Name

* @date24 June 2013

* @version 1.0


publicclassMyDateimplementsDateInterface {

declarations here….

publicMyDate() {


* MyDate d


* Description here….


* Preconditions:

* Postconditions:


* @authorStudent Name

* @date24 June 2013

* @version 1.0

* @param d

publicMyDate(MyDate d) {

logic and method calls for date here…


* set method


* Description here…


* Preconditions:

* Postconditions:


* @authorStudent Name

* @date24 June 2013

* @version 1.0

* @paramDateInterface

* @param #set(int, int, int, int)

publicvoid set(int m, int d, int y, intdw) {

variable assignments here…


* tomorrow method


* Description here…


* Preconditions:

* Postconditions:


* @authorStudent Name

* @date24 June 2013

* @version 1.0

* @paramDateInterface

* @returnMyDate

public void tomorrow() {

logic here…


* checkLeapYear method


* Description here….


* Preconditions:

* Postconditions:


* @authorStudent Name

* @date24 June 2013

* @version 1.0

* @returnboolean

public boolean checkLeapYear() {

logic here…


* checkDaysInMonth method


* Description here….


* Preconditions:

* Postconditions:


* @authorStudent Name

* @date24 June 2013

* @version 1.0

* @return integer

* @paramlpYr

public int checkDaysInMonth(booleanlpYr) {

logic here….


* toString method


* Description here….


* Preconditions:

* Postconditions:


* @authorStudent Name

* @date24 June 2013

* @version 1.0

* @return String

* @param java

* @return formatted dateString

public String toString() {

logic here…


* yesterday method


* Description here….


* Preconditions:

* Postconditions:


* @authorStudent Name

* @date24 June 2013

* @version 1.0

* @return String

* @paramDateInterface

* @returnMyDate

public void yesterday() {

logic here….


* today method


* Description here….


* Pre-conditions:

* Post-conditions:


* @authorStudent Name

* @date24 June 2013

* @version 1.0

* @return void

* @paramDateInterface

* @return month, day, year, dow as integers

public void today() {

logic here…



Place screen captures here of at least 3 runs (different scenarios) of your program (be sure they are readable)…

Insert UML design diagrams here…

Attachment:- Programming Assignment 3 - The Dating Game Templateb.docx

Reference no: EM131176132

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