Reference no: EM131986087
Write a program in the form of a game to guess a birthday of you're choosing, and ask the player to try guessing it. (I've chosen 7/30/1989)
1. For the start of the game, print out "Are you ready to play?"
2. Ask the player/user to input a year by printing "Please input a year"
3. Ask the player/user to input a month by printing "Please input a month"
4. Finally, ask the player/user to input a day of the month by printing "Please input a day"
5. If the player/user gives a non-numeric input, display "Game over" and end the game.
Total points possible is 100. If the user guesses the wrong year, deduct 20 points. If the user gets the month wrong, deduct 15 points. If the user guesses the wrong day, deduct 5 points. The remaining points are automatically given as a reward for participating, but can be subtracted by incorrect guesses.
6. For the Final output, display the total points to the user in the format of "Your score is ___ points". If the user gets all 100 points, print "Congratulations! You Won!"