Write a program goal for your project

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131276592

- I have a group project about "Physical Activity among College Professors." In my part, I have to use the transtheoretical model with the stages of change from the pretest/fitness assessment and the post-test and stuff. You can also use any other theory that may help to support my part.
- In my part also I should include the campaign like flyers.

- My friend's part attached to get an idea and to write my part that follows my friend's part.
- Also guidelines for the project attached, "my part is number 6 from the guideline, so make sure you include it in the paper."
- Theory and Models chapter attached to get a clear idea about the theory.
- Use 2 credible ONLINE sources.
- Need 4 pages Maximum.
- Due in 15 hours from now.

Guidelines for Health Education Program

1. Identify your target group and health problem. Give a rationale or justification, based on needs assessment data for choosing this problem in this group. Include some statistics to show that this problem is important. Identify factors and or behaviors that contribute to the problem you've selected.

2. Write a program goal for your project. This usually deals with overall health improvement

3. Write at least one (SMART) program objective, make sure it includes who, what, how much, and by when. Remember, a program objective generally deals with some measure of health or health status.

4. Since you identified several factors/behaviors that contribute to the problem you've selected, write at least one (SMART) behavioral objective for each behavior you are studying. Remember that behaviors can be preventive, they can deal with early diagnosis, and they can enhance treatment.

5. Since you might be providing educational sessions, consider including learning objectives. Write at least one (SMART) learning objective. These are sometimes associated with awareness campaigns and also those trying to affect behavior change. You may decide that you want to use other types of objectives instead of these for example, environmental, process/administrative or skill development).

6. Provide a brief description of 3-4 programs identified in the literature that have been used to address this problem and their relative success. Provide a description of the program you are proposing to do and why it seems appropriate. What theory may be used to help you develop your program and address specific constructs (attitudes, values, norms, susceptibility, severity of the problem, etc...). Describe the constructs from one or more theories you are planning to use in your program. Is it a health promotion program? Is it to promote screening behaviors or a specific kind of behavior change? Will it be a media campaign or type of educational program?

What specific teaching or communication methods will you use? Remember that variety is important. Active learning is important. Try to select teaching activities most suitable for the target group you've selected. If you decide on a communication campaign what approaches do you propose to use?

7. Are there any potential barriers to your program being successful? How will you minimize these barriers?

8. Design a schedule and sequence for your program. When will it begin? When will the various activities take place? What day and what time will sessions be conducted? If it is a communication campaign, how often will the campaign be aired? Where will it be aired? When (time of year, etc...) will it be aired?

9. What kind of marketing or promotion will you use to make people aware of your program and to persuade them to participate?

10. Describe all program personnel, including a brief description of their role in the program. Will personnel need any additional training?

11. Describe/list the supplies, materials, and equipment needed for your program.

12. Tell how you will evaluate your program. Be sure to include process and impact evaluation. For each (SMART) objective, describe evaluation methods you will use.

a. Who is the target audience
b. What information you will use
c. What format you will use to gather the information
d. How you will gather the information

13. Outline a budget for your program. Be sure to include all expense items, organized in the conventional categories of personnel, supplies, travel, and other.


Report Format
This report will not look like an ordinary term paper, with continuous sentences and paragraphs. Instead, it will be organized by the sections as outlined above. You should include headings and subheadings. There may be charts or graphs in the needs assessment section. In other sections you may have bulleted lists of items. For item 13, you will be providing a budget with guess estimates for costs.

There is no minimum page requirement, but it will be difficult to cover all of the above material in less than 10 pages. The names of all team members should appear on the report cover. Be sure to include a table of contents as page two of the report. Also, identify what each of you was responsible for completing.


Attachment:- Project.rar

Reference no: EM131276592

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