Reference no: EM13161727
Write a program code to compute and build a table of Reynolds numbers at flow velocities varying from 100 to 1000 ft/sec (at increments of 100) given the following formula:

Re is the Reynolds number that is nondimensional (no units)
is the density of air in slug/ft3
v is the velocity of air in ft/sec
l is the characteristic length in ft
is the viscosity of air in slug/ft?sec
Additional data
of air = 2.33 × 10-3 slug/ft3
of air = 3.8 × 10-7slug/ft?sec
Velocity to vary from 100 to 1000 at increments of 100
Sample input and output (user input in BOLD):
Input the diameter of cylinder as length in ft:
Index velocity Reynolds number
1. 100.00 15328.95
2. 200.00 30657.90
10. 1000.00 153289.48
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