Write a procedure in python that takes a positive integer n

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Reference no: EM132212360

Write in Python:

Task: Write a procedure in Python that takes a positive integer n as input and returns the sum of even Fibonacci numbers up to n.

Test Values: The sum of the even Fibonacci numbers up to four thousand is 3,382. The sum of the even Fibonacci numbers up to four million is 4,613,732.

Reference no: EM132212360

Questions Cloud

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Write a procedure in python that takes a positive integer n : Write a procedure in Python that takes a positive integer n as input and returns the sum of even Fibonacci numbers up to n.
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Test the function in the main function : Write a recursive function named "sum" with one input parameter, an integer n. The function returns the sum of numbers 1, 2, 3... n.
Determine the computational complexity : Give a concrete example and show the steps you will use to determine the computational complexity (of the real program)


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