Write a personal development plan

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132210052

Manage personal work priorities and professional development

You are required to:

Complete the front cover sheet and ensure you accept, sign and date the student declaration.
Read through and follow all instructions provided.
Complete each assessment task/activity.
Submit your assessment to the Student Learning Management System (LMS).
Ensure your submission identifies your name, student number, unit code and title.

TASK 1 - Short answer

You are to answer all questions.
Read each question carefully.
Ensure you have provided all required information.

Q1: Describe the attributes you possess and behaviours you demonstrate which make you a positive role model in the workplace.

Q2: List your five (5) core values.

Q3: Write a one-sentence mission statement for yourself.

Q4: Reflect on your vision for the future. Ideally, where do you see yourself in five or ten years' time personally and professionally? Briefly describe your future vision which aligns with your core values and mission.

Q5: List three (3) personal or professional SMARTT goals you're currently working towards. Ensure at least one of these goals fits within an organisational structure (even if it's a club, team, community group, etc., rather than a workplace).

Q6: State how you're measuring progress towards the goals in Q5 to ensure you're maintaining personal performance.
Explain how you're tracking each goal in a visible, tangible way. Make sure your response shows that you understand Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) and Measurement of Success (MOS) and how you can monitor them.

Q7: Choose one of your goals from Q5. Describe how it reflects the organisation's plans and your own responsibilities/accountabilities within the organisation.

Q8: Choose a workplace or other organisation you're involved in. What is your role in the organisation? How does your role contribute to broader organisational goals?

Q9: What personality traits or habitual behaviours do you have which might stop you from accomplishing your vision and reaching your goals? How could you handle each one to improve your personal?

TASK 2 - multiple choice

You work as the store manager for Kingfisher Garden Centre, NSW. Look at the tasks presented to you in questions 1 to 7. Use the 3D system (dump, delegate and do) and Kingfisher Garden Centre's organisational chart, located in the ‘Additional Resources' folder in the Student LMS, to help you choose actions which best facilitate competing demands. Then, answer the remaining questions on how you could best prioritise and manage your time.

Research new WHS legislation, review store policies and procedures to ensure compliance.
Forecast future budget and sales figures for the Trade Centre.
Attend a grand opening of a local beauty salon.
Plan store renovation and extension.
Choose new dairy supplier for the Warblers Café and Convention Centre.
Conduct performance counselling with underperforming Operations Manager.
Read and forward email jokes and petitions.
You have the following tasks to deal with today. Which would you do first?
You have the following tasks to deal with today. Which would you do first?
Which is the best use of your work time and energy?
You've been working 12-hour days and getting screaming headaches. Even though you're exhausted, you're not sleeping well. What is the best long-term solution?

Which can help you manage your work priorities and commitments most effectively and efficiently?

TASK 3 - Short answer

Q1: List personal and/or professional commitments/responsibilities you currently have. Describe two (2) work methods or practices you use to plan and prioritise to meet deadlines, etc., to improve your performance.

Q2: State two (2) ways you use technology efficiently and effectively to manage personal and professional priorities and commitments.
Provide an example of your scheduling (photocopy of diary, spreadsheet, etc.).

Q3 While attending to the responsibilities in Q1, explain four (4) ways you manage stress and attend to your health to maintain a healthy work/life balance.

TASK 4 - Case study
Candidate assessment guide and evidence

This task requires you to do the following.
Read the case study.
Complete Activity 1 and 2.

Case study
You work as the food and beverage manager for Kingfisher Garden Centre. Your organisation is reviewing plans, policies and procedures and conducting appraisals to inform personal development planning of all staff, including yourself.

Activity 1: Assess competency against organisation's plans, policies and procedures

Answer the following questions.

Q1: Read your job description, located in the ‘Additional Resources' folder in the Student LMS, Food and beverage manager job description. Outline any organisational plans, policies and procedures you should be familiar with while working in this role.

Q2: You're doing a performance appraisal of Jim, the barman at Kingfisher. You're checking his cleaning knowledge and skills against competency standards to determine his training needs. You have identified the tasks he is competent and not competent in.

Assess Jim's knowledge and skills and state what training you would give him, in order of priority, so he can improve his competency.

Activity 2: Assess competency according to feedback

Read the performance appraisal containing your manager's feedback.

Assess your knowledge and skills in light of the appraisal provided OR an actual appraisal containing feedback from your past or current employer. (If you choose the latter, please submit your workplace's appraisal and feedback with this assessment.)
Identify your development needs and list them in order of priority.

Question and answer

Q1. Assess your knowledge and skills.
Q2. Identify development needs and list them in order of priority.

TASK 5 - Case study
Candidate assessment guide and evidence

This task requires you to use feedback to write a personal development plan which summarises ways to improve competence and includes career objectives and an action plan.

You are required to do the following:

Use the information from Task 4 - Case study to write your personal development plan.

You can use the template provided in the unit as a guide or use a template from your workplace to prepare your plan.

Save your document as Assessment 5 Personal development plan. Submit your personal development plan to the Student Learning Management System (LMS) once completed.

TASK 6 - Short answer

Q1: Provide some specific examples of networks you currently participate in.

Q2: Describe how participation in the networks you listed in Q1 has helped you or could help you develop professionally and be of benefit to you/your business.

Q3: Senior operational personnel establish, conduct and build a variety of relationships as part of normal daily operations. They also have networks of people they contact for support. List internal and external customers you currently maintain relationships with.

Q4: What interpersonal skills do you use to establish and build positive relationships within your networks?

Q5: Describe a time you used one of the interpersonal skills in Q4 to build relationships in one of your networks.

Q6: Communication is an important part of networking. List six ways to communicate effectively with others.

Q7: Describe a time you selected and used appropriate conventions or protocols when communicating with a stakeholder or someone else in your network.

Q8: Describe how you maintain contact with the people in your networks.

Attachment:- personal work priorities and professional development.rar

Reference no: EM132210052

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1/7/2019 10:53:22 PM

Below expectations Needs improvement Meeting expectations Exceeding expectations Outstanding Performance does not meet requirements in several critical factors. Performance is inconsistent and unreliable and behaviour needs improvement. KPI targets are regularly missed. Performance is inconsistent. Behaviour sometimes does not meet expectations. Targets are often met, but there is room for improvement. Performance is consistent and meets the standards required. Regularly meets KPI targets. Performance is often above the standard required and the employee sometimes exceeds KPI targets. Performance consistently exceeds standards and KPI targets set for the position.


1/7/2019 10:43:37 PM

Used assessments and feedback to prepare a personal development plan which summarises ways to improve competence. Identified, evaluated, selected and used development opportunities suitable to personal learning style/s to develop competence. Participated in networks to enhance personal knowledge, skills and work relationships. Identified and developed new skills to maintain a competitive edge. Considered organisational protocols when planning career development.


1/7/2019 10:43:29 PM

Assessed personal knowledge and skills against competency standards to determine development needs, priorities and plans. Sought and use feedback to identify and develop ways to improve competence. Analysed and interpret textual information from organisational policies and practices or feedback to inform personal development planning. Outlined an organisation’s policies, plans and procedures. Professionally presented a fully typed personal development plan in a formal format or template.

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