Write a paper wrote on the judge samson from the bible

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Reference no: EM131357141 , Length: 6

Write a paper wrote on the Judge Samson from the Bible.

From the Professor: While most anything we talk about in the semester, or readings in the text is a possible paper topic, it cannot be something too general. Research will have to be done for this paper, and it is expected that you will quote your textbook and at least 2 other sources. I do not care if you use APA, MLA or Chicago for your formatting, however, one must be used and used correctly so use the one with which you are most comfortable. We will go over some of this in class as well if you have questions. Because, if you do not format your paper correctly, chances are you will violate one of the schools plagiarism policies, and you will receive a 0 on the paper and be turned into the office.

This paper should be 4-6 pages of text in length. The introduction, society section, what I learned section, and conclusion should be about 1-1.5 pages. This means there should be at least 3 pages of good research on one topic. You can do a compare and contrast paper, but probably not sufficiently in 4 pages, as this would mean your 3 pages of research would be divided by two systems. Please note that any title pages and/or bibliography do not count towards page length. It is worth 100 points, and is due 1 weeks before the final.

Looking for 11 specific things:

1. Strong thesis statement in italics.

2. Minimum required sources used, and you have in text citations or some kind.

3. Dialog with sources both primary and secondary (do not just throw in a quote, tie it to your thesis, talk about it, agree or disagree with it).

4. Society Section: Your thoughts in a "how would society look if this were true" or "what our society needs to learn from this Ancient wisdom" section before the conclusion, in italics!

5. "What I learned from this research" section, prove to me you learned something not covered in class or in the book. .

6. Correctly formatted: 1 inch margins, double spaced, 12 pt font Times New Roman, and NO extra spaces in between paragraphs. You will probably have to change the default settings on your word processor.

7. Page length (as long as it is not half a paper), 3 and a half pages is not 4.

8. Topic relates to class. Often you can compare philosophy and religion to other topics but it must primarily be about your class's content.

9. Cannot be too broad, the paper needs to be researched and thought out. Not just a description, and not just stuff talked about in class.

10. Turned in on time.

11. You cannot contradict yourself.

Length : 4 - 6 page.

Reference no: EM131357141

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