Write a paper with a summary and analysis

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Reference no: EM131204431 , Length: 3

Mini Paper: Comparison of Strategies

Mini Paper: Male and Female Leaders

Mini Paper deals with comparison of strategies used by men and women in team-based work settings.

Researchers and professionals in a variety of fields have investigated the differences between men and women regarding communication styles as well as how these styles impact relationships at home and at work. For instance, refer to John Gray's Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, Deborah Tannen's Talking from 9 to 5: Men and Women at Work, or Barbara Annis'Same Words, Different Language: How Men and Women Misunderstand Each Other at Work, and What to Do About It.

Whether based on research studies or clinical observations, the theory has been proposed that men and women have different ways of communicating in various settings, which impacts the effectiveness of relationships. In the workplace, it is especially important to understand these differences, overcome the barriers to effective interpersonal relationships, and use the strengths of each sex's communication and negotiation styles to achieve team-level and organizational goals.

1. Select a topic related to mixed-sex teams. Using course material and outside resources, discuss the impact of gender differences on a mixed-sex team and one way the situation can be effectively addressed.

2. Select a particular type of team or industry where mixed-sex teams are used and discuss the implications for misunderstandings. For example, teams in high-risk industries, such as the following:

  • Emergency-response teams
  • Rescue teams
  • Scientific-exploration teams

Or look at teams in typical low-risk tasks across industries, such as one of the following:

  • Marketing teams
  • Cross-functional teams
  • Self-managed teams

3. Discuss the team's tasks, and apply relevant course material on mixed-sex teams and gender and sex differences.

4. Discuss how misunderstandings or conflict can occur and what management and team members can do to prevent or address these issues.

5. Write a paper with a summary and analysis of the team or industry you have selected. Organize your paper into the following sections:

  • Title page
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction (1-2 paragraphs summarizing the topic)
  • Background (brief synopsis of the type of team or industry selected and identification of major issues that have developed or could develop with regard to mixed-sex team composition)
  • Analysis (brief analysis of the major gender-related issues that were identified in the background section and the way they have been or can be minimized or overcome, using relevant course material as well as outside resources)
  • Conclusion
  •  References

For example, a research study conducted by the genSET FP7 project examined the impact of gender on the advancement of European Science, specifically the inclusion of women in research teams, in a variety of scientific fields (www.genderinscience.org). A review of the literature on mixed-sex scientific research teams in Europe highlights the advantages and disadvantages of these teams. The goals of science research teams can range from Nobel-prize level exploratory studies on cures for disease to confirmatory studies using college students to test spatial memory. All such research impacts individual researchers in terms of professional interests and career goals as well as institutional recognition.

Schiebinger (1999) observes in her book, Has Feminism Changed Science, "...modern science is a product of hundreds of years of shunning women," therefore, it is no small feat to create a new reality where women can make significant contributions as integral members of scientific teams with equal status.

One barrier to this feat is the tendency for female members of such teams to be relegated to informal administrative roles and assistants, which leads to situations in which male members may gain recognition for team successes by taking advantage of the work done by females who have been relegated to lower status members. The genSET organization, through its FP7 project, is committed to rectifying gender inequalities in mixed-sex research teams by conducting research on how gender impacts teamwork as well as showing that mixed-sex teams, when well-managed, outperform same-sex teams in terms of creativity and problem-solving.

Your work should be submitted in a Word document, 2-3 pages in length (excluding the title, the table of contents, and the references pages), typed double space in 10- or 12-point Arial or Times New Roman font. The page margins on the top, bottom, left side, and right side should be 1 inch each. Use APA guidelines for citing and referencing sources.

Reference no: EM131204431

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