Reference no: EM131396009
After researching the psychology specialties listed below using the Occupational Outlook Handbook at
and the American Psychological Association website at
write a pair (2) of succinct and thorough paragraphs summarizing the job responsibilities, work locations, salaries, education, national licensing requirements and career outlook for each career represented as percentage of growth expected.
After each of the 12 paragraph pairs, note whether that specialty in psychology would be of interest to you as a career option in the future and explain why or why not. Once the 12 sets of paragraphs and interest or non-interest explanations are complete, compile them into a single APA formatted paper using the career titles as separating headings within the paper body.
End the paper with two paragraphs comparing and contrasting the way in which information about the 12 careers is communicated in the Occupational Outlook Handbook vs. how it is communicated on the website (i.e. which format was the easiest to navigate and understand; which had the most "news you could use" [i.e. info useful to someone accessing it to make a career decision).
This paper must be in compliance with formatting rules of the American Psychological Association (APA) and include a title page, paper-body with source credits and a reference page attached to the end listing each source used. You may use additional internet sources to find the answers to the above as well.
This is expected to be your longest paper of the course since there are 12 careers in psychology to cover. Your paper should be at least 14 pages but not over 17 pages. This assignment requires you to write succinctly. You will need a title page, an abstract and a references list but these are not counted in the 14 page minimum content.
Psychology Careers to be reviewed for this assignment:
Child Psychologist
Counseling Psychologist
Clinical Psychologist
Developmental Psychologist
Experimental Psychologist
Forensic Psychologist
Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
Health Psychologist
School Psychologist
Social Psychologist
Sports Psychologist
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