Write a paper on the most important issue related to trends

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133199340 , Length: 3 pages.

Discussion Post: Public Relations Memorandum

Imagine that you recently began working in a department that supports your company's strategic planning for growth in the industry. Your department head has asked you to do research from a newcomer's perspective to inform future marketing directions for the company. He has asked you to write a detailed memo that identifies the three top trends in the industry. If he likes your work on this initial research, he will ask you to write a position paper on the most important issue related to these trends. (The position paper will be your assignment for project 3.) He is hoping to use your research to prepare your department to launch a new strategic plan.


Reference no: EM133199340

Questions Cloud

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Importance of ethics and ethical behavior in healthcare : How administrative, legal,?regulatory, and?professional standards impact patient care delivery and outcomes


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