Write a paper on the family and medical leave act

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13892721

Write a 5 page paper on the family and medical leave act (FMLA).

Research Paper Requirements

• Seven page paper on a topic that interests you that is related to the class. (This includes the cover page and reference page.)• An abstract is not required• APA Format ( Websites that will help you: Purdue Owl & Son of Citation Machine )• Tahoma Font , size 11•Double Spaced• One inch margins• Use at least three professional sources other than your textbook (i.e professional journals, books, e books, website articles written by experts in the field)•tell how this act worked out for people and how it worked out not so much.

Reference no: EM13892721

Questions Cloud

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Write a paper on the family and medical leave act : Write a 5 page paper on the family and medical leave act (FMLA). Seven page paper on a topic that interests you that is related to the class. An abstract is not required
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