Write a paper on internal environmental analysis

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131739211


Write a paper on internal environmental analysis including financial analysis in a table format.

Outline for Project - Part 2

I. Internal Environmental Analysis (What are the company strengths and weaknesses that can be used to exploit opportunities and threats?)

A. Research and Development
B. Production
C. Marketing
D. Human Resources Management
E. Finance/Accounting

II. Strategic Analysis

A. Generation of Alternatives
a. Concentration
b. Market development
c. Market penetration
d. Product development
e. Backward vertical integration
f. Forward vertical integration
g. Horizontal integration
h. Diversification - related or unrelated
i. Retrenchment
j. Divestiture
k. Harvest
l. Bankruptcy
m. Merger
n. Acquisition
o. Joint venture
p. Strategic alliance

B. Selection of Strategic Alternatives

C. Implementation of Strategic Alternatives


Internal Environmental Analysis

- Discuss 3 topics.

- Finance/Accounting must be one of the topics. (Provide information about at least three financial ratios to describe strengths and weaknesses.)

- Discuss in terms of strengths and weaknesses for the COMPANY.

Strategic Analysis

- Discuss at least 3 possible alternatives. (Make a case for why these are selected as possible alternatives.)
- Explain why you selected the one (or combination) of strategies you selected to be implemented.
- Provide general information regarding how strategic alternatives will be implemented.

Writing/Typing Requirements:

- The paper should be typed double-spaced.

- Use topics/subtopics to separate your paper.

- Use good writing style - introductory/ conclusion sentences for paragraphs, complete sentences, transitions between paragraphs/sections

- References - you should have at least 6 references and you should put them at the end of the paper (use whatever style you like on this as long as the references are complete). Be sure you indicate in the body of the paper where the references are used.

- Please write in your own words - "borrowing" significant portions of quoted material without attributing it to an author is plagiarism. Even if you use your own words and they are not your thoughts, you still need to reference the material. (NOTE: I will run papers through a plagiarism program, so be careful to use your own work.)

- Use tables for financial information (also acceptable to use tables for other information). Put the tables at the end of the paper and number them (also number them within the body of the paper).

This paper is likely to be 6 - 10 pages, typed double-spaced.

Reference no: EM131739211

Questions Cloud

Explain how hr can contribute to doing business : Explain how HR can contribute to doing business. Why is it important for companies today to make their human resources into a competitive advantage?
Discuss the two predictive analytic techniques : Discuss the two predictive analytic techniques - Delphi method and Red Teaming listing the benefits and limitations of each method
Brief description of the company about the given topics : Identify a multinational company operating in Australia. Provide a brief description of the company including the following? The industry the company operates.
Discuss strengths and weaknesses of each technique : Examine the strengths and weaknesses of each technique for your particular topic
Write a paper on internal environmental analysis : Write a paper on internal environmental analysis including financial analysis in a table format. What are the company strengths and weaknesses that can be used?
Explain specific behaviors in the movie : Explain specific behaviors in the movie.Describe the scene in the movie (the behavior);
Prepare the worksheet for the given problem : You are Peggy Fischer. You want to collect the $5 million pledge from Peter Smith, and previous calls have gone unanswered.
Define delphi method and red teaming : Delphi method and Red Teaming. From this discussion, you will better understand the benefits and limitations of each method
Evaluate various psychological tests : Evaluate various psychological tests and other methods that would be important to consider when hiring commercial pilots.


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