Write a paper on global marketing

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Reference no: EM131144904 , Length: word count: 400

Assignment: Global Marketing

Select a multinational, publicly traded company as a focus for paper. The company may have its headquarters in the U.S. or abroad, but it should have a major presence in many different countries and its products or services should be marketed globally. Visit the company's web site as well. Choose one of the firm's product lines and create a 300-400-word response answering the following:

• Write a brief synopsis of the firm. Who are they? What do they sell?
• Analyze their marketing mix. Who is the target market for the chosen product?
• Discuss where and how they market their products.
• Analyze the cultural, global, and demographic influences for this product line.
• What assumptions can you make about their efforts to appeal to a globally and culturally diverse consumer base? How effective are these efforts?
• What should the firm do differently to improve their consumer appeal to such a diverse audience?

Reference no: EM131144904

Questions Cloud

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