Write a paper on given topic

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131205123

Write a 3 page APA format paper.

Paper must be completed with complete sentences, and proper English Grammar.

This is an academic paper in which must have a strong thesis statement/sentence. Do not utilize to many sources.

If you utilize any additional sources than what I provide, the links must be provided.

For the Session Long Project for this class, first choose a country interests you other than the United States (you need to learn about another culture other than your home culture for this assignment). You can pick any country you want other than the United States among those included on Hofstede's webpage:

https://geert-hofstede.com/countries.html (The country this paper is written about must come from the list on the homepage of this link) I will be utilizing you for all of these assignments so please choose a country that you know a lot about other than the United States)

Look at a different aspect of doing business in this country in each of your Module 1-4 SLPs. For this first SLP, focus on the culture of this country and how it differs with the culture of the U.S. You can start by looking at the cultural values of this country as shown on the Hofstede webpage linked above.

Keep in mind that it is controversial to try to quantify national culture, so don't rely only on Hofstede for this paper. Do some additional research and try to find additional information about the cultural aspects of doing business in your country. Then write a two to three page paper addressing the following issues:

1. Go to the Hofstede webpage and look up the values of individualism, power distance, masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance for both your chosen country and for the United States. What are the main differences between national culture in the U.S. and your chosen country? What implications might these differences have on doing business in your country?

2. What other information besides Hofstede have you been able to find about culture in your country? How do these aspects of culture impact doing business in your country?

Overall, does the national culture of your country make it easy or difficult to business? What cultural pitfalls might an American company investing in your country face?

IT does appear that another source will be required other than the one that is listed above. Please take your time!!!

SLP Assignment Expectations
•Answer the assignment questions directly.
•Stay focused on the precise assignment questions; do not go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing background materials.
•Make sure to use reliable and credible sources as your references. Articles published in established newspapers or business  journals/magazines are preferred. If you find articles on the Internet, make sure they are from a credible source.

Reference no: EM131205123

Questions Cloud

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Describe effective methods of conflict resolution : Describe the role of interpersonal communication both as a manager and as an employee. What specific techniques have you used to overcome barriers to communication? Be sure to specify your role in the communication.
Write a paper on given topic : Look at a different aspect of doing business in this country. Focus on the culture of this country and how it differs with the culture of the U.S.3
What is the equilibrium price of labor : Consider a labor market in which LD = 500 - 45W and LS = -200 + 25W. 1. What is the equilibrium price of labor? 2. What is the market clearing price?
Does the execution of one area stand out : What were the key differences that you can identify when considering the four functions of management - planning, organizing, leading, and controlling? Does the execution of one area stand out?
Classified as investing activity : In a statement of cash flows, which of the following would be classified as an investing activity? In capital budgeting computations, discounted cash flow methods:
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