Write a paper on disney cruise line

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131473583

Write a paper on disney cruise line.

Phase One - Company Background

This week your team will be investigating your industry and then you will choose your company. You will get some of this information from the company's homepage on the Internet. However, to do a quality job, you will need to dig deeper.

You must write on disney cruise lines (pages should be 5-7 pages and everything should be in apa format. Citing must be approiate with pg number.

Please submit the following information:

1. Background of your industry.
a. Define the industry ( history, size, revenues)
b. Financial health of the industry.
c. Other important factors

2. Who are the major players in this industry?
a. Start by naming the major companies in the industry and the market share of each. (a table would also be very good here!).
b. Choose the three-five* major (largest) competitors in your industry. (These should be the top companies.) Each team member should investigate one competing company and visit the website for that company.
c. What is each company's
i. history
ii. mission and goals,
iii. market share, and
iv. financial health (include revenues, profit, and any other important financial factors)
v. corporate talent management philosophy
vi. other important factors (current news) regarding the company
Tables and charts that illustrate your points would be great! Be sure to number, name, and cite all tables and charts. Also, you must refer to them in the body of the paper. (Use number according to phase as in the chapters in your textbook; i.e. treat of each phase as a chapter.)

Phase One Sources You can use these online databases

Below you will find a list of online databases that you will find in the NSU Alvin Sherman Library.. These are good sources for industry and corporate information.

1. Hoover's Company Profiles - User friendly
Provides information on over 40,000 public and private companies, including small businesses. Includes detailed business reports and industry profiles with company locations, financial summaries, key officers, major competitors, and more.

2. Mergent Online - Great source for financials and competitors
Mergent Online is an Internet-based suite of information resources that enables in-depth business and financial research.

3. Net Advantage - Standard & Poor's Good source of industry information.
Full-text investor/business information including stock, bond, and mutual fund guides and reports; earnings and dividends reports; company information; industry surveys; and directories of companies, executives and security dealers. Global Industry Surveys includes coverage of 26 industries in Europe and Asia, and three in Latin America

4. LexisNexis Academic Business - LexisNexis
Contains business information including company profiles, SEC filings, accounting publications, and country profiles. Default search is Company Profiles; choose other options on left.

5. Company Profiles - EBSCOhost
Company View offers a home page for each company, including expanded information, as well as a more robust user experience. Users can quickly find information on more than 1.1 million public and private companies, including parents and subsidiaries, key contacts, annual sales revenue, net profit, number of employees, line of business(es), etc., as well as high profile links to detailed company profiles, SWOT analyses, etc. as well as relational information such as industry and market reports.

6. First Research - Mergent Good source of industry overviews!
First Research provides unlimited access to an online library of profiles on over 600 industry segments. This powerful research tool features in-depth, up-to-date information and gives you the insight you need to provide greater value to students, professors, small business owners and job seekers. Profiles are comprehensive and include the following: industry overviews; the competitive landscape; products, operations and technology; finance and regulation; regional and international issues; human resources; and labor statistics. First Research profiles are prepared by analysts that hold advanced degrees in business and on average have more than 20 years of practical business experience. This translates to a clear and direct writing style that makes information easy to understand, remember and utilize.

7. General Business File ASAP - Gale Cengage Learning
Linked databases provide full-text articles from business, economic, management, trade, and industry publications; profiles of public and private companies; SIC industry descriptions; and investment reports and forecasts.

8. Snapshots - ProQuest
Over 3,400 market research reports across 30 industries in 26 countries. Snapshot Reports include views of market segments, market size, market shares, and forecast information. Tutorial (Note: Adobe Reader X is needed to view the tutorial, download the free reader).

Follow all instructions. Please make sure to use APA format

Attachment:- disney cruise line.zip

Verified Expert

This particular assignment has been reflected upon the justification upon disney cruise line in accordance with human resource management.

Reference no: EM131473583

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5/18/2017 5:59:04 AM

I have the last paper, Thank you such a great amount for your understanding and help with these assignments. i think your writing aptitudes are predominant and i utilize your papers as a diagram for alternate papers i compose. i will never again take this educator! What a heap of cr@p he tossed at us. Much appreciated again and maybe we will talk next semester.


5/18/2017 5:57:28 AM

Each team member should investigate (see source list) one competing company and visit the website for that company. (DSINEY CRIUSE LINE) What is each company's history mission and goals, market share, and financial health (include revenues, profit, and any other important financial factors) corporate talent management philosophy other important factors (current news) regarding the company Tables and charts that illustrate your points would be great! Be sure to number, name, and cite all tables and charts. Also, you must refer to them in the body of the paper. (Use number according to phase as in the chapters in your textbook; i.e. treat of each phase as a chapter.) PLEASE ALSO REFER TO THE FEEDBACK AND ONLY LOOK AT DISNEY CRUISE LINE FEEDBACK THANKS Any questions or concerns please let me know is everything going OK? please make sure you follow all directions on the Disney cruise phase and look at the professors feedback but only for Disney phase. Make sure you also cite the tables.. any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email or call me


5/18/2017 5:57:13 AM

I have paid the amount sorry for the delay! I was sick! Please call me with any questions you might have! Please turn in the paper to the plagraism tool and please write in full sentences Also please follow the format and make sure you only write on Disney Cruise Line Thanks This might help too! DISNEY CRUISE LINE Please submit the following information: Background of your industry. Define the industry ( history, size, revenues) Financial health of the industry as a whole. Other important factors 2. Who are the major players in this industry? Start by naming the major companies in the industry and the market share of each. (a table would also be very good here!). Choose the three-five* major (largest) competitors in your industry. (These should be the top companies.)


4/25/2017 5:40:21 AM

I hvae to write a paper on disney cruise line. please follow all instructions and make sure it is not plagiarized. I have attached a format and also a feedback sheet so you can look at it all. the professor turns everything in to the safe assign to check for plagiarism. Please make sure you quote everything and use APA format with the author year and page number if u quote thanks

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