Write a paper on disaster response planning

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Reference no: EM131243873

You will write a paper on disaster response planning. Your paper will be a case study of a disaster response of your choosing, although there will be no duplicate topics, so submit your proposed topic early. In this study you will examine the planning which was done (or not done) by one level of government (usually a local government), and then see how that planning affected the response and recovery from the disaster.

Assignment Requirements:

1. A cover or title page with your name on it.

2. Labeled topical headings (e.g., Introduction, Discussion, Conclusion, Recommendations, etc.)

Length: The report must contain a body of text approximating 2,000 typed words (about 8 pages double-spaced, 12 point font), excluding cover, abstract, illustrations, graphs, table of contents, appendices, and reference pages.

Reports significantly below or above the parameters will be downgraded. Please note that abstract, illustrations, graphs, table of contents, appendices are NOT required but if you do use them, they do not count as part of the body of text for length assessment.

A reference page containing a minimum of five (5) course-external resources used and cited in the report.

Written in APA Style.

Reference no: EM131243873

Questions Cloud

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Provide the summary of the first presidential debate : Please provide the summary of the first Presidential debate. Analyze the participants, their views and how they aim to solve the problems. Who do you think won the debate?
Conditions to write an equation : Let x represent the number. Use the given conditions to write an equation. Solve the equation and find the number.
Write a paper on disaster response planning : Write a paper on disaster response planning. Your paper will be a case study of a disaster response of your choosing, although there will be no duplicate topics, so submit your proposed topic early.
What is the publisher website for this test : According tothe publisher's website, what are some distinguishing characteristics of this test? Why choose this test in comparison to similar tests? If comparable tests are listed, what are they?
What are the three numbers : George wrote three numbers on three different cards. The sum of the three numbers is 3500. The first number is 525 more than the second number. The second number is 158 less than the third number. What are the three numbers?
Prepare the journal entry for the disposel of equipment : Prepare the journal entry for the disposel of equipment. - Assuming bat o perpetual system of inventory flow is used, calculate the COGS and closing inventory for: FIFO and LIFO.
Write a report that discusses the pros of simple plans : Write a 4 page report that discusses the pros and cons of very simple plans versus detailed plans, although the standards mandate very specific requirements for the plans that add a level of complexity.


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