Reference no: EM13785393
· Write a five to six page paper in which you:
1. Outline the most significant elements or steps of the task upon which the training will focus (See Assignment 1). Using the selected adult learning theory from Assignment 1, analyze the how the theory would support the learners' mastery of the task. Justify your response.
2. Propose one or more instructional settings for the training being planned based on the nature of the task(s) and the selected theoretical model (e.g., instructor-led in a classroom or self-directed online.) Provide a rationale for the setting(s) selected.
3. Propose instructional activities to deliver training on the task(s) that are consistent with the selected theoretical model, the intended audience's characteristics, and the selected training setting. Instructional activities would include the instruction strategies and methods used to teach the tasks, instructional resources (media, materials, technology) needed to teach the task, and student activities needed to learn competent performance of task.
4. Indicate all needed technology components that you plan to integrate into the training. Determine how the selected adult learning theory could influence your technology selection. Recommend strategies that you would use in order to accommodate the learners who may not be familiar with technology.
5. Propose a timeline for development and implementation of the training, providing a rationale for your views. Determine how the selected theoretical model and the intended audience characteristics could influence the time needed to develop and teach the identified tasks.
6. Propose three strategies for evaluating the effectiveness of the training during and after development. Determine how the selected theoretical model and the intended audience characteristics could influence your evaluation strategies.
7. Use at least five quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
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