Reference no: EM131018704
Rhetorical Analysis Paper
Write a 4 page paper from the article above describing SOAPS TONE
A rhetorical analysis paper breaks a piece of non-fiction writing into parts and then explains how the parts work together.
I. Gathering Information - Identify the SOAPSTONE
S - Speaker -
O - Occasion - type of text, and the context under the which the text is written A- Audience - who is it written for?
P - Purpose - what does the writer want to accomplish?
S - Subject - what is the topic the writer is discussing?
2. Examining the Appeals: What does the writer use?
Ethos or Ethical Appeals - rely on the writer's credibility and character in the garnering of approval
Logos or Logical Appeals - use reason to make an argument. A writer who supports an argument with evidence, data and undeniable facts uses logos.
Pathos or Pathetic Appeals - seek to evoke emotion in order to gain approval, includes sympathy, anger
3. Style Details: Why did the author choose these strategies for the particular audience, occasion, and/or purpose? Style details are the second rhetorical strategy, and include elements such as imagery, tone (mood or attitude), syntax, and diction (word choice). Consider the following questions: HOW do the rhetorical strategies help the author achieve his/her purpose? WHY does the author choose those strategies for that particular audience and for that particular occasion?
Example of Introduction:
1. Speaker, Occasion, and Subject (Writer's credentials), (writer's first and last name), in his/her (type of text), (title of text), (strong verbs) (writer's subject)
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