Write a paper explaining the data warehouse options

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Reference no: EM133816570

Assignment: Assess Data Warehousing Needs

Write a paper explaining the data warehouse options that would be the best fit to boost your analytic horsepower with this topic: The Effects of Cybercrime on Contract Electronics Manufacturers

Your paper should address the following:

1. Summarize the starting schema that you have as your base design, from which you want to add in new data sources.

2. Research several additional new data sources that will bolster your research and choose a minimum of three that will achieve that objective. Describe how each new source will add to the analytic horsepower of your intended output.

3. Establish a new theoretical design for warehousing these new sources (new star schema perhaps to meet the need of including these new data).

4. Create a new schema of what the additional data sources (1-3 tables per source) will look like. You may just add the newly proposed tables to the entity-relationship diagram from your Signature Assignment (there is no need to create a new database for this; just depict what the new data schema would look like with the new data sources added in)

5. Conclude with your best choice to store and manage your data and explain your reasons.

Reference no: EM133816570

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