Write a paper describing its security features

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131268794

Select a NOSQL database (MongoDB, Cassandra, DynamoDB, BigTable, etc...) and write a paper describing its security features. In particular, you should discuss:
- access control (which model is implemented, granularity of the access control...)
- encryption (What is encrypted (data-at-rest, in memory, in transit), key management, ...)
- user authentication
- protection against injections
- support for auditing and testing

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The task is about to write a report or paper on the features of any given NoSQL databases. In the paper, one of the most common and free open source NoSQL database “MongoDB” had been selected as nowadays data security is most important for every organization for working. The “MongoDB” has different types of security features and every new version comes with new feature. The paper had discussed the security features of the MongoDB in near about 750 words that do not include the TOC, referencing, and in-text citations.

Reference no: EM131268794

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