Write a paper and prepare a thesis

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Reference no: EM131327883 , Length: 2

Write a paper and prepare a thesis.
This is for Health Behavior.

The Assignment has two parts, both of which should be addressed within the paper.

Begin the Assignment by providing a 2-page analysis assessing the significance of diversity and multicultural perspectives within public health and health education fields.

Identify why it is important to consider multiple perspectives before beginning an intervention.

The second part of the Assignment is to reflect upon the goals and objectives you created.

As they are written, could they be applied to a diverse or multicultural population?

How would they need to change to be culturally sensitive or inclusive?

Conclude the Assignment with a short discussion on strategies to implement these changes.

Reference no: EM131327883

Questions Cloud

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Write a paper and prepare a thesis : Identify why it is important to consider multiple perspectives before beginning an intervention.- The second part of the Assignment is to reflect upon the goals and objectives you created.
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