Write a paper about the legacy of the crusades

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Reference no: EM13819418

Write a paper about one of the following topics-

1. The legacy of the Crusades, whether positive or negative, has been contested among Christians and non-Christians alike. Although there were clearly political, intellectual, and technological benefits to Europe as a result of the Crusades, can it be said that the Crusades advanced the cause of Christ? This paper will have 2 parts:

(1) Write on one of the following:

• why the Crusades were started

• one of the Crusades, or

• all of the Crusades

(2) Determine whether they were representative of a Christian worldview. This second part will be subjective.

2. John Wycliffe and John Huss (also Jan Hus) are considered pre-reformers in that they wrote about and taught many of the ideas that the Protestant Reformers also presented. Write a brief biography of both of these men, describe their reforming ideas, actions, and writings, and tell how both died (including what eventually happened to Wycliffe's body).

Reference no: EM13819418

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