Reference no: EM131285482
Theater Project
The course research project/presentation is a more formal research project on a specific theatre topic studied or prominent in the field. The presentation should be on one of the theatrical topics listed below...or elect to pick a topic of your own (with approval by the instructor).
• Early Theatre: The Greek City Dionysia Festival
• Japanese Kabuki Theatre
• Christopher Marlowe: The Other Elizabethan Playwright
• Lord Chamberlain's Men
• London's Historic Drury Lane Theatre
• Tennessee Williams and Society's Outcasts
• American Musicals by Stephen Sondheim
• Theatre in Prisons
• The Tony Awards
• Stage Musicals on Film
Areas that could be covered by this presentation include (but are not limited by) the following:
• a general history of the period, event, playwright, etc.
• staging and production conventions, if applicable
• plays and/or other related productions produced
• audience responses to or involvement in theatre
Unlike other assignments in this course, the presentation is not necessarily a normal written essay (though an enhanced written research project would be acceptable). Think originality and creativity...that is, graphics, charts, images/videos, Powerpoint/Prezi programs, audio or visual presentations, etc. are all accepted and encouraged. If created in Word, 6-8 page limit is recommended; if created in Powerpoint/Prezi, 14-16 panels is suggested.