Write a paper about community collaboration project analysis

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Reference no: EM131067835

Write a paper about Community Collaboration Project Analysis.

Your paper should include the following points-

1. Introduction
2. Define the methods to be used to engage selected participants in the collaborative process.
3. Apply theoretical and best practices to the selection of appropriate participants in the proposed collaborative project.
4. Describe the communication structures and processes necessary to engage identified participants in the proposed collaborative project.
5. Formulate a clearly communicated analysis of key participants to the proposed collaborative project.

• Prepare and submit a 5-7 page paper that identifies and analyzes the characteristics and needs of the various participants in your community collaboration. The paper should include a detailed discussion of each participant's role in the community, his or her connection to the target problem, and methods you will use to engage participants in the collaborative process.

Reference no: EM131067835

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