Write a paper about building an it strategic plan

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131131877

Requirements for Final Project

The term project in this course is a Research project. The research paper deliverable will be composed of three parts.

Part 1: Detailed explanation/description of the topic

Part 2: Research & findings of the related topics

Part 3: The student's analysis-based opinion on said findings (What was most compelling about your findings and why).


Paper - the paper shall cover any number of topics and areas that we discussed in the course. Please format the paper with standard APA margins and font size. The content of the paper will be no less than ten pages. Title, abstract, references are separate for a total 13 pages.

Content of paper and presentation ...

The proposed topics found in IT Business decision making should cover the following areas:

1. Building an IT Strategic Plan
2. Using Information Resources as Strategic Tools
3. Designing and Building Information Systems
4. Designing and Building an Information Technology Organization
5. Managing Business Processing in Information Technology
6. Building the IT Architecture and IT Infrastructure
7. Managing IT Activities Globally (aka across time zones)
8. The Business of IT; Managing and Monitoring IT Projects and Investments
9. Information Systems Acquisition, Development and Maintenance
10. Information Systems Security
11. Using Information Ethically
12. Knowledge Management, Business Intelligence and Analytics
13. Information Systems Sourcing
14. Governing Practices for Information Technology Organizations

You may include more areas than listed above if you believe it's necessary.

Reference no: EM131131877

Questions Cloud

How social factors such as gender racial background : Apply at least two (2) concepts from the theory that you chose from the text that would help explain the juvenileâ€TMs behavior. Identify one (1) appropriate strategy geared toward preventing delinquency that is consistent with the theory you chose.
Compare and contrast at least two operating systems : Compare and contrast at least two operating systems that are available today for use on personal computers and / or mobile devices. If you were considering the purchase of a new computing device.
Prepare the partners capital statement for the year : Net income was $30,000, and the partners share income equally.
Assume the partnership income sharing agreement : Assume the partnership income-sharing agreement calls for income to be divided 45% to Guillen and 55% to Williams. Prepare the journal entry to record the allocation of net income.
Write a paper about building an it strategic plan : Write a paper about Building an IT Strategic Plan. the paper shall cover any number of topics and areas that we discussed in the course.
What are the five steps involved in the capital budgeting : What are the five steps involved in the capital budgeting process?
What are the key motives for making capital expenditures : What are the key motives for making capital expenditures? Discuss, compare, and contrast them.
Calculate the time taken to complete first 200 revolution : Calculate the time taken to complete the first 200 revolutions.
Do all capital expenditures involve fixed assets : What is capital budgeting? Do all capital expenditures involve fixed assets? Explains


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