Write a paper about a memorable experience from childhood

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Reference no: EM131071989

The paper will be three page paper on one of the following topics. Your paper may be written in either first or third person.

Below the topics is a mentor text as a sample of what is expected.

1) A Memorable Experience from Childhood

2) The Painting Stuck Inside My Heart

3) I Could Have Danced All Night

4) Food and Memories

5) An Historical Character Who I Would Like to Meet

6) A Lesson I Will Never Forget

7) An Interesting Ancestor

8) When Ugly Got Uglier

9) Regrets

10) The Top of My Bucket List

11) When Things Did Not Add Up

12) Happy

13) Confused

14) Left Without Words

15) Hearts, Spades, and Pinochle

16) If I Could Only Be ___ Years Old

17) Holiday Memories

18) The Day the World Turned Upside Down

19) I Wish It Had Never Ended

20) Me! It's All About Me!

Part 2

Paper: Organization- Once you have completed your journal, you should be able to create a working outline of your paper. For this assignment you should provide that outline in whatever form you like - you may use a graphic outline, you may use post-it notes that have been grouped together or you may use a traditional outline. Once again the purpose here is to help you develop an organizational process that works for you. The only requirement for this outline is that it have a working thesis and at least three different supporting subtopics. As with your journal you may choose an assignment from one of your other courses (or even the same assignment as the journal) to complete this project. Once you have completed your outline, please upload it in MS Word or a compatible file format

What to consider

Good preparation is key to good writing. As you move through your academic career, it will become more difficult to just sit and write a coherent paper without a clearly defined thesis and supporting subtopics. By preparing an outline in whatever format works for you, you have already begun the subconscious process of organizing your thoughts. An outline, while not cast in stone, will provide the framework that will keep you on message during your paper.

Reference no: EM131071989

Questions Cloud

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Write about eight entries of my work placement experience : Write about eight entries (one for each day) of my work placement experience in nongovernment organisation as a student volunteer working with clients from diverse backgrounds and poor English.
Calculate local maxima or minima and points of inflection : Consider the function f : [-π, π] → R given by f(x) = (e-x)*sin x, Calculate local maxima/minima and points of inflection of f(x)
Identify business drivers for assessment of it processes : 3418ICT and 7418ICT -STRATEGIC IS MANAGEMENT Who are the main players/people involved? What roles did they occupy and what are the names of the key applications/systems, and what functions did they perform?
Write a paper about a memorable experience from childhood : Write a paper about A Memorable Experience from Childhood. Your paper may be written in either first or third person. Once you have completed your journal, you should be able to create a working outline of your paper.
By how many radians per second is ? changing : A rocket is launched straight up. At t seconds after being launched, its altitude is given by h = 4t^2 metres. The line of sight from you to the rocket makes an angle θ radians with the horizontal. Four seconds after launch, by how many radians per ..
Trusting the validity of the poll : In evaluating a poll, a larger sample size would be considered more favorably, but what consideration would you consider even more important than the sample size before trusting the validity of the poll?
Develop a venn diagram to illustrate the data : Develop a Venn diagram to illustrate the data, hence use it to find the probability that a worker picked at random: (1) Does not speaker English, (2) Speak neither of the languages, (3) Speak French and Russian but not English.
Describe the significance of the taft-harley amendments : Describe the significance of the Taft-Harley Amendments.


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