Write a paper about a discussion on the sustainability

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Reference no: EM13817951

We have determined that change is inevitable and subject to a number of variables attributing to the success or failure of the change process. The Paper is an exploration of a change initiative that you have personally experienced or researched. The paper should demonstrate your knowledge of the change process through a comprehensive analysis and discussion of the following aspects of organizational change. Your paper must include:

• An identification and description of a professional change initiative personally experienced or researched.

• A discussion of the change initiative as seen through the eyes of the leader and the follower.

• A discussion of the successes and failures experienced during the change event.

• An analysis of the concepts and theories used to facilitate the change process.

• An evaluation of the impact of the change upon the organization.

• A discussion on the sustainability of the change effort.

Reference no: EM13817951

Questions Cloud

Direct materials and direct manufacturing labor : Show computations of price and efficiency variances for direct materials and direct manufacturing labor. Give a plausible explanation of why each variance occurred.
What assignment was the most engaging and why : What assignment was the most engaging? Why? Have you learned anything new? What? How will you use your new knowledge? Evaluate your work so far.
Opportunity cost of capital for the project : Calculate the traditional payback period, IRR, NPV, and PVI (present value index) for the project with the following cash flows. The opportunity cost of capital for the project is 14%.
Explain how you will prepare to effectively handle the role : Explain how you will prepare to effectively handle the role. Discuss what you consider to be your biggest challenges. (Be sure to provide potential solutions).
Write a paper about a discussion on the sustainability : Write a paper about A discussion on the sustainability of the change effort and An analysis of the concepts and theories used to facilitate the change process.
Elements that contribute to the group power base : Evaluate your workplace and identify a group that has "power" in the organization. Analyze why the group is considered powerful. What are the elements that contribute to the group's power base
Management science process : The Management Science Process consists of 1) understanding the problem, 2) building a representative model, 3) solving the mathematical model and, lastly, 4) monitoring/communicating the outcome. Discuss this process and the importance of each.
When is management science generally applied : When is management science generally applied? What kinds of problems do management scientists face? Provide an example of a "problem" an organization you have been involved with has faced that did, or could have benefited from a management science..
Perform a split-off : Under what circumstances would you expect a corporation to perform a split-off? Spin-off? Split-up? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.


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