Reference no: EM131283519
Topic:Bus 130 Team Project Overview (Value 35%)
Your client is a medium sized Canadian manufacturing company. Your team of intercultural communication consultants has been hired to prepare a group of senior managers as they prepare to expand their business on a global scale. Choose a country that your team is not familiar with and have this approved by your instructor.
Conduct research about the country in order to prepare the senior managers to do business there. They will be in the country for three days and will be hosted for a series of meetings, some of which will occur over meals. They will also be giving presentations in the country to potential clients, and are hoping to sell their products. Your report and presentation should recommend what they need to know about the country and how to best communicate in order to be successful doing business there.
Company we are choosing: CME (Canadian Manufactuers& Exporters)
Going to England (help the company to get into the country)
As team project, my section is to do: -Effective ways of intercultural communication
The categories we talked about are:
-Personal and Online Intercultural communication
-Info of England(culture)
-How to write a good presentation
- Technics of success in a company
-Build a timetable for the managers
-Effective ways of intercultural communication
Write two pages of :Effective ways of intercultural communication !!
(My part only need two pages for effective ways of intercultural communication)
Also, one paragraph of Progress Report Memo for what I going to write about my part)
Written Report (Value 15%)
(this is for the whole team report not my part, but take a look of it!!)
Purpose: The purpose of this written report assignment is to provide your team with an opportunity to:
1. Demonstrate your ability to write a formal business report, including conducting research, an analysis of information, draw conclusions and provide recommendations
2. Apply writing skills
3. Work effectively as a team
Write a formal report (10 pages not including title page, table of contents, and bibliography pages) on your project topic, based on secondary research.
Reports must be APA format (double-spaced, Times Roman, 12 point font)
Please see figure 13.1 in text on page 397 as a guideline of the components of a business report. Use the information presented in the text (Chapters 12 and 13) to plan your written report. Include the following components (most information below is drawn directly from chapter 13 in the text):
Title Page
• Include the NAME OF THE REPORT, presented to (the senior management team of the organization), prepared by (each student'sname - including first and surnames) and the date of submission.
Table of Contents
• The Table of Content shows the heading in the report and their page numbers. (Maximum one page in length for a short report). You might want to include a separate List of Illustrations on the bottom of the same page, if you have numerous illustrations.
Executive Summary (Management Summary)
• The purpose of the Executive Summary is to present a brief overview of the report. The executive summary should be written last, after all other sections of the report are complete. To avoid repeating the same statements from the Introduction, Discussion, Conclusions and Recommendations sections, try to present the data slightly differently.
• Set the scene and announce the subject of the report. Please write your introduction to be an appropriate length for the short length required in the team written report assignment.
Discussion (Body)
• Information presented must be researched (references cited using APA style)--all supports must be referenced (in text) using APA style. The Discussion (Body) section of the report is the principal section. This is where you discuss, analyze, interpret, and evaluate the research finding or solution to the initial problem.
• Present the conclusions after the Discussion (Body) section in the report. Do not present any new information. Conclusions should be drawn only from the information presented in the Discussion (Body) section of the report.
• Provide recommendations that make precise suggestions for actions to solve the initial report problem. As stated in the text, recommendations are most helpful when they are practical and reasonable. Consider the organization and its capabilities (financial, human knowledge, etc.) when you develop the recommendations.
• Include supporting material, especially detailed data in tables, in the Appendix rather than in the Discussion (Body) section of the report. Refer to the Appendix in the analysis section so readers who want to see the further details can be directed to the appendix section.
Bibliography (References)
• A minimum of 6-8 non-corporate references, using APA style, must be included.