Write a number guessing game program

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Reference no: EM13907368

1. Ask the user for a color
2. If the user types your favorite color (if you don't have one, pick blue), output That is my favorite color to the console Otherwise, output What color is that again?

Create a flowchart and do the following
1. Ask the user for how many cats they own (use the variable cats)
2. Assign cats into the variable animals
3. Ask the user for how many dogs they own (use the variable dogs)
4. Increment animals by the value of the variable dogs
5. Output the value of animals, which should now be the total number of cats and dogs


Create a flowchart and do the following
1. Assign 15 into the variable count
2. Increment count by 7
3. Output the value of count to the Master Console

Create a flowchart and do the following
1. Add a loop symbol
2. Initialize the loop control variable count with the value of 0 (before the loop)
3. Use count = 5 as the loop Boolean expression
4. Inside the loop do the following in order

1. output the string hey
2. increment count by 1

Create a flowchart and do the following
1. Add a loop symbol
2. Initialize the loop control variable num with the value of 0
3. Inside the loop ask the user for a number. if the number is equal to 5 exit the loop.
4. When the loop exits, output the message Finished!

Part I

Write a number guessing game program. The program will first generate a random number from 1 to 100. Then, the user guesses a number and the game will report whether the guess is too low or too high. if the guess is correct the game will report that the user won.

To generate a random integer from 1 to n, use floor ( (random * n) + 1)

For example, to generate a random number from 1 to 6, use the following code: floor ( (random 6) + 1)

Part II

Add a variable for the number of tries, and when the user wins report how many tries it took them.


Jse a loop to Ask the user for 5 test scores (1 to 100) and store them in an array then, output the numbers backwards

Extra Credit

Find the lowest, highest & average test score (using a loop)

Reference no: EM13907368

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