Reference no: EM131036529
Plesse follow documentation and user test, writting a new user test.
User Test Report
The topic of our documentation is how to management the Tea Bar. The purpose of these guidelines is to improve work efficiency. As a restaurant which needs profitable, Improve work efficiency is equivalent to a profit in disguise. On the basis of the number of employees has been determined, improve the working efficiency can requirements of more people at the same time.
First, it is a service industry, to try to reduce or even avoid mistakes, so that customers can have a perfect experience. Therefore, the document is essential. Documents show all steps of store management and beverage production. Employees only need to follow the document process to management and production drinks, then the Tea Bar will be able to give customers perfect experience. Of course, with this document, the service will become more fluid, reducing mistakes to improve efficiency. In the food and beverage industry, the serving speed of a restaurant can directly affect the evaluation.
The two tested users are Ma yutong and Wang yajun. We are not TEA BAR employees, We have never personally produced a beverage or managed outlets, so we are the right person to be tested. And we have the intention to go to work in Tea bar, so learn and tested is necessary. Our tested place is the kitchen in tea bar.
First, the owner allowed us to test when is customer less time, we produce beverages and clean. After relatively skilled, we were allowed to the testing when Tea bar has lots of customers. This time drinks that we produced will be give to the customer.
Through the feedback, I learned about our instructions was effective and could provide information. From when the guests came in, the users can find what is the next step; from the file to from a single point, in order to get to know what the users should do, we can quickly find the detailed about how to make a drink. Convergence of the whole process is clear and logical. Listed the detailed steps and materials needed to ensure that either busy or idle time the users can easily find the steps in the reference.
However, during user testing, there are still some confusion in the experience of time. It was hard to know what exactly should go to take order or go to make drinks Obviously when I wrote instructions i was not aware of this point is easy to cause confusion, the reality is not easy to use yes side or no side to decide what to do at next.
The specific changes I will make in my instructions are increasing the number of steps in the work process, as detailed as possible to list every possibility. For example, when there are three staff or more, what everyone should do; or in the busy time, how to ensure the work smoothly. I also intend to add more detailed use of the radio, because I found that even the official staff, face to face, there are also some confusion in the use of the cash register.
Attachment:- documentation.rar
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