Write a new thesis statement that covers your papers topic

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Reference no: EM131366241 , Length: 6

Write a Stance Essay 5 - 6 pages in length ( Title Cover Page and Reference page is not included in the page count)

Take a position and present your perspective - alternatively put, your stance - on the issue you discuss.

The final version of the essay must:

  • Be in essay form with an introduction, body, and conclusion
  • Conclusion should explain why the essay's main points are important
  • Meet the page requirement of 5-6 pages (Title and References pages do not count)
  • Address the same overall topic as your informative essay
  • Take a clear stance on the issue in question and articulate your stance through a well-developed thesis statement (found at the end of the introduction)
  • Support your thesis statement with developed analysis of your sources and how they connect to your topic
  • Use a minimum of five (5) academically appropriate sources properly cited in APA format and represented on the References page

This essay will deal with the same topic that you chose for the personal and informative essays. In the stance essay you will explore ways to fix the problem and how your reader can relate to your position.

How to assemble the essay:

  1. Decide what part of the topic you want to take a stance on. This is best done by thinking carefully about the topic and considering what different people may want to argue for or against involving that issue. Think about what aspect of your previous paper you feel strongly about.
  2. Write a new thesis statement that covers your paper's topic and direction (what you want the reader to understand when the essay is completed).
  3. Perform the research needed to meet the source requirements (minimum 3 additional sources). You may not use more than two of the provided sources in the webtext.
  4. Make sure that no content from your informative paper is reused. You may use some of the same sources, but you will be writing a new paper, so you cannot reuse anything else.
  5. Review the finished draft to make sure the ideas flow, each of the paragraphs supports the thesis statement found at the end of the introduction, and that your conclusion brings the essay to a strong sense of closure.

Given the essay topic is : "STRESS AT THE WORKPLACE".

Attachment:- Essay.rar

Reference no: EM131366241

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