Write a module case study applying the shell model

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Reference no: EM13270381

Write a module case study applying the SHELL Model: Once again go to the NTSB Web site. Analyze and evaluate a NTSB Final Accident Report.

find a report that provides examples of failures in the four model interfaces that were concluded to be either causal or contributory to the accident.

You must find a report that exemplifies the following interfaces:Liveware - Software Liveware - Hardware Liveware - Environment Liveware - Liveware For the accident: Summarize the overall circumstances of the accident. Explain in detail the accident circumstances related to the appropriate model interface.

Relate and apply your knowledge of human physiology and psychology, human performance and performance limitations, and human error, as appropriate, to those circumstances.

Explain how those circumstances demonstrate that model interface. The Case Study should be two pages in length, double-spaced, consist of a title (accurately reflective of the topic), an introductory paragraph, one to three body paragraphs, and a summary paragraph, include information obtained from primary or secondary sources beyond those listed in the Module, include proper APA 6th edition citations and references (with the references listed on a separate last page).

Reference no: EM13270381

Questions Cloud

Find the source emf of an rl circuit : An RL circuit consists of a switch, an emf source Eo, a 4 k-ohm resistor, and a 3 H inductor. If the potential across the resistor is 96 V 6 ms after the switch is closed, find the source emf, Eo.
Explain the uv photoelectron spectrum of the so molecule : Assign the lines in the UV photoelectron spectrum of CO shown below and predict the appearance of the UV photoelectron spectrum of the SO molecule.
What are the net cash flows associated with the project : However, the clinic has to pay the organizers of the exposition a fee for the marketing value of the opportunity. This fee, which must be paid at the end of the second year, is $2 million.
What impulse does the clay exert on the block : A 10g ball of clay is thrown horizontally at 30m/s toward a 1.5kg block sitting at rest on a frictionless hi surface. The clayts and sticks to the block. What impulse does the clay exert on the block
Write a module case study applying the shell model : Write a module case study applying the SHELL Model: Once again go to the NTSB Web site. Analyze and evaluate a NTSB Final Accident Report.
Explain the mass of the carbon dioxide : The mass of the carbon dioxide was 30.50 g, and the mass of the water was 14.98 g. What was the empirical formula of the hydrocarbon
How much time elapses between first and second splash : Heather and Jerry are standing on a bridge 60m above a river. How much time elapses between the first splash and the second splash
What is the expected return on a portfolio : What is the expected return on a portfolio that is equally invested in the two assets? (Round your answer to 2 decimal places. (e.g., 32.16))
What would the equal monthly payments be : The terms of the loan require that your friend make 12 equal end-of-month payments each year for 6 years, and then an additional final (balloon) payment of $5,500 at the end of the last month. What would the equal monthly payments be?


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