Reference no: EM132245935
For this assignment, locate and read the case study titled "Proactive Prevention" at the end of section 4.4 of the Course Text. Based on the information in this case, thoroughly complete the following:
1. Write a mission statement that reflects this new direction for St. Mary's.
2. Write a vision statement reflecting the new mission statement.
3. What type of strategy did the leadership team at St. Mary's pursue?
4. Which organizations in the community might view the wellness center as a new form of competition?
5. What factors described in this chapter might affect the implementation of this new strategy?
CASE : Proactive Prevention
St. Mary's Regional Health Center conducts numerous activities as part of its overall strategic approach to healthcare. Themain hospital offers emergency services, diagnostics, and treatments of all types. The organization operates several facilitiesin other locations. Recently, St. Mary's management team, with the approval of the organization's board of directors, created anew path.
In the past, patients would travel to the hospital or its other facilities when a health problem emerged. Someone whosuspected he or she was experiencing heart or cardiovascular issues would be sent to the heart center, a patient diagnosedwith cancer would be referred to the cancer treatment center, and so forth.
The top management team, after many long discussions, decided it was time for St. Mary's to redefine itself. The concept wasthat members of the community and potential patients of the system should become partners in the healthcare process. Rather than passively waiting until an illness or injury occurs, citizens of the area should be encouraged to proactively preventas many health problems as possible.
To help achieve this new strategic vision, the proprietors founded the St. Mary's Wellness Center. Among the directives for the organization's new wing were the following:
· Provide low-cost health-screening tools, such as blood pressure tests and weigh-ins.
· Encourage healthy activities by patrons, including watching diet, managing weight, and exercising.
· Offer low-fee programs to help individuals engage in healthy activities, including clubs, exercise groups, and supportgroups.
· Link physical wellness to mental well-being.
· Establish an immunization program at low cost for flu shots, shingles vaccinations, and other similar preventive steps.
Creating this new partnership required more than public relations activities and a new building. Physicians in the community were contacted directly and asked to talk with their patients about the wellness program when giving routine physicals and when other contacts took place. Advertising the system and its benefits would take place for the next year. The St. Mary'sWellness Center would sponsor closed-captioning of the news on two local television stations, which would provide daily reminders of its existence to viewers.
When explaining the new program to community members, two points were to be emphasized. First, real wellness, such aslowering blood pressure, eating fewer fatty foods, watching calories, engaging in mild exercise, and working to manage stress, offers direct benefits to the individual. As time passes, a person who actively engages in preventive steps would be far lessprone to suffer from diabetes, some forms of cancer, heart problems, and other maladies.
Second, the program should assist in cutting healthcare costs. This benefit extends to both the patient and the hospital. Whencommunity members actively work to maintain a healthy lifestyle, they can expect to pay less for healthcare and lose less time to sick days away from work. The hospital benefits by reducing the need for expensive treatments and recoveries from various illnesses. As one board member put it, "This new vision for our organization creates a win-win situation."
Your assignment must be two to three pages in length (excluding title and reference pages). Utilize your course textbook and at least one additional scholarly source. Your paper and all sources must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.