Write a method to get list of all the books

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13694912

Question: This one is hard and I don't know how to do it. One has to configure Restful web Services Java

Write a restful web service demo example using spring mvc.

Here are the steps to be followed.

Question 1: Make a map for a book with Book ISBN as key and book title as value

Question 2: Write a method to get list of all the books in JSON format using restul client.

Question 3: Write a method to get a particular book from the map in JSON format.

Question 4: Write a method to add a book in the map. Data to be entered in JSON format

Question 5: Write a method to delete a book from the map

Question 6: Write a method to add multiple books in the map.

Solve this Program using java programming concepts.

Reference no: EM13694912

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